Everything you need to know about Maa Kaali in energy perspective and mythological perspective of Hinduism.

 Maa Kaali or Kali is one of the fierce goddess in Indian Mythology. She is Goddess of time and death and loving primordial mother Goddess in Hindu Yogic tradition and Tantric Kriya. She is an intensely powerful in her both: energy and portrayer in Indian Mythological texts and most powerful energy manifestation of Maa Shakti ( the female principle of divine energy, especially when personified as the supreme deity of Hindu Mythology).

KALI : Time and Darkness 

'Kali' is Sanskrit word name means- time and darkness (Sanskrit: She who is black or She who is time). The violent and horrific form was portrayed of Kaali because Kaali is the symbol of the time. Time is unforgiving. It is horrible by its nature. Time takes everyone to the death eventually; time destroys everything in end. Each and everything recedes ultimately in the ever engulfing mouth of the time. It also creates but, it's end is also defined at the time, it was created.

Her darkness symbolizes her all-embracing, her comprehensive nature- because Black is a color in which all colors merge and vanish because it absorbs them. Kali is considered as the symbol of time-space in Hinduism. The ultimate structure of the world is dark like space-time reality. 

According to the theory of Einstein, thee is no separate time and separate space. Time is the fourth dimension of this universe along with other three dimensions. The space exists because time exists simultaneously with it. Science also proclaims dark matter and dark energies  filling out the 95% of the universe. The entire visible matters of this universe is only 5%. This is why Kaali is considered as the Ultimate Shakti of the universe in Vedic Science. Ones who follows her are called as "Shaktas".

Her darkness represents that she is beyond time and all restriction of nature which is shortly considered as "Nirguna" in Hinduism.

Thus, the universe is filled mostly with the darkness, than light or visible substance. Kali is in every second of the life of a born being heading to its death. Kali is in every atom, molecule, energy participation in the dissolution of phenomena.

Description of Maa Kaali 

Her appearance is often described as dark blue or black sinned body with tiger skin around waist supporting limbs as belts, wearing skulls as neck jewelry, intimidating red eyes with anger, captivating face with frightening expression of destruction.

Weapon of Kaali

 With four hands: two hands for destruction and other two for creation, holding- Khadaga ( half-moon shaped sword or huge sickle), Trishula (trident), Kapala (a bowl of skull) or severed blood dripping head of culprits, which symbolizes false egos, identities and narratives people create to establish them. 
Kali's biggest and most horrifying weapon is her tongue sticking out of her mouth, which symbolizes that the hunger off Kaali (the time) is never ending. That tongue is always ready to savor the next deaths, the next destruction, the next ending of something. This stuck out tongue is a reminder to the viewer - the hunger of 'Kaal' is not filled yet and next person she is going to savor can be you, can you be your loved ones or can be your enemy. In no way you can resist her for eternity and in no way you can escape her and she relishes licking out your death. It's her duty and amusement both. 

This is the reason why Kaali's tongue was made stuck out while portraying in Vedic Scriptures.

Why is Kaali depicted and described as nude or mostly nude? 

In the portrayal of Kaali is either she is describes as nude or scarcely wearing cloths. Why is that? Ever wondered ?

The reason of Kaali being nude or barely wearing cloths is that she represents -Time-Space. Time also shows you the nude reality. Time is rough, rude and nude. It speaks bluntly. Both good and bad times come without warning and may leave without warning too. Time has nothing to 'hide' from you because she knows; in the end, whoever you are, you are all hers.

Origin Story 

Her origin story is described in Markandeya Purana as -There was a Asura (demon) named Raktbeej, who had been given a boon by Lord Brahma that every time a drop of his blood fell on ground, new version of his own would be created. Soon after, he made the life of gods and people miserable, more so with his power to produce more Ratkbeejh, every time he shed drop of his blood. Hence Gods reach out to Maa Durga or Shakti for help. 

Armed with all weapons, the goddess charged at demon. But as soon as she wounded him with sword and his blood fell on the ground, the demon multiplied. With more attempt at killing Raktbeejh, he kept on multiplying. Huge army of  Raktbeejh were formed by the drops of his blood fell on the ground. Enraged by this, the Devi took infuriated and the fierce form as Kali. She went on destroying each demon with her sword and collected his blood in her Kapala and drank it immediately. Enraged Kali soon finished the whole army of demon and now only real Raktbeejh was left. Then she killed him too and drank his blood until he fell on ground lifelessly.

Worship of Kaali and Her temples

Temples in Hindu tradition is made of science Agama in ancient times. So the every angle, every pose, area of Parikrama ( the action or ritual of moving clockwise around the deity or devotional figure as an indication of reverence), Garbgriha (sanctum) and idol of temple; and everything related to architecture, was made according to Agama Science.

Because in Hindu Tradition everything is related and explained  through energies only. Now, each matter is associated to certain space time; also, each matter is a condensed form of energy. (E=mc^2, Einstein's formula of interchangeable nature of matter and energy). This is how, space-time signifies an existence of something; and whatever exists; is a form of energy.

 The Mudra idol holds, the mantra that are used to consecrate this if all these thing’s energy is properly matched, it will create a tremendous field of energy. Sometimes complex energy (as for yogic traditions ) and for simple energy worship.

She is goddess Hindu tantric and Yogic traditions. She or in other words her energy  has been enshrined at so many different places to reach out for her, to devote her in simple way as well as at the  more complex  ways to use the energy around you and get powers from it through Yogic traditions or Tantric Kriyas. Some fierce , some pleasant so that they could be use in certain dimensions of life. She is easily approachable but very fierce.

 In Yogic or Tantric Kriyas, They are crystallized but they can be reality for you if you do certain processes to attract that kind of energy for you it can become living reality for you, once you create the necessary energy body for it. Now if you want you can create a physical body over it too. But, we should be also aware are of the fact that these processes are very specific and dangerous.

Why Maa Kaali placed her foot on Lord Shiva ?

Lord Shiva is considered as the Adi-yogi. The primary Yogi who to begin with made the Yogasutra; which is the down to earth strategy of liberation of soul, and the basic premise of Vedic culture or Hinduism. He is the most noteworthy Yogi of all the time; and that's why all Yogis need to follow Lord Shiva as well as in the beginning their Yoga Sadhana. Now; among all kind of the Saadhanas; the highest shape of Sadhana is Kaala-Sadhana(one of a number of spiritual practices or disciplines which lead to perfection and control of time). When you're effective in that; or you accomplish "Siddhi" you'll control your time. (Concurring to the Vedic concept). Once he/she overcomes the time through Saadhana; Time gets to be frail on him/her. Lord Shiva or the Adiyogi, beneath the feet of Kaali symbolizes the reality- Each and every Sadhaka must yield himself/herself to the feet of Time; to overcome its control.

Indeed Lord Shiva needs to be beneath the feet of Kaali; i.e. the Time; and must do Saadhana for it-to go beyond the control of Time. Time was considered this much capable within the Vedic science. Since, it was the source, the raw material, additionally the end-of all creation. 

 In yogic culture, each and each Yogi has got to yield to the Lord Shiva; some time recently beginning his Saadhana; in old days. They had to yield to the Adi-yogi who himself surrendered some time recently 'Kaali' (the goddess of time), to overwhelm her. Lord Shiva overpowered time; the most noteworthy frame of Siddhi for a Yogi-that's why he is considered the extreme yogi and the primary total Yogi, i.e. the Adi-yogi. Typically moreover the reason he is called 'Pati' of Kaali; (or the Lord of time) he isn't called Swami of her. Swasmi implies 'husband'. Pati implies God. Not the spouse precisely. (That's why when we say 'Raghupati'; it implies the ruler of Raghabas. Not Spouse of Raghabas.) Lord Shiva aced the time; that's why he was called the lord of time or 'Patidev of Kaali'.

So, Lord Shiva is considered as the as only individual who can overwhelm the time (Pati of Kaali). (For this reason, Shiva is additionally considered as the God of the pulverization, as as it were he has the control to command "Kaali" or the Time) The Kaali or the Time is bound to crush everything; But indeed he is put beneath the feet of Kaali; to represent the significance of her; to stress the significance of Time-worshiping in old India.  

This is why Lord Shiva is set beneath the feet of Kaali. Because, Time holds each and everything in this universe in its womb. The creation happened; as it were since it has got a 'time-space' measurement for it. For anything to exist; Time has to produce it by creating a space for it. Time is also the destroyer of the all things; but time also creates everything; and holds everything within the eternal flow of her.

That's why 
Time was considered as Mother in Vedic Culture. An energy; who is feminine in nature. Time is a female who gives birth to its children; bears it for a while; and then takes them back again on her embracing lap. While singing the lullaby of the funeral; she gives her children the most peaceful eternal sleep for of their life: the Death.

Life is beautiful; only because it has a time-limit to it. Without the time-limit imposed by the death; life is a prolonged disaster only.

(These pictures have been taken from random sites from internet, if you want to take them down or remove them; contact us)

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