The Ancient Science behind MangalSutra | How MangalSutra was made then ? | INSIGHTS
You must have wondered how do a chain with a locket could have any specialty in it ? And moreover what difference it really makes when you wear it or not. Seems quite backward that we have to wear something that symbolizes that you are married, but did you Mangal Sutra is more than that? Let's find out everything we need to know about 'Mangal Sutra' of Hindu Culture in out ongoing series 'INSIGHTS'. Need Of Marriage Let’s first understand why we actually need marriage. Think about the time when you were young before your teenager life- you were fine by yourself and your body, by playing around with your friends and family. On that time, body was just an object, an instrument for you to perform activities. It wasn’t overpowering you in any way, but as soon as you come into life of teenage. Everything changed, you started to see, feel and understand things in different way. You were that carefree child that had body as an object for his dai...