Why we burn clothes of deceased in Hindu Culture? The science behind 'not' keeping dead person's clothes | About basic physical manifestation of energy according to Hindu Mythology and culture and much more for you to understand the concept|


Did you see the Kim Kardashian wearing legendary dress of Marilyn Monroe?

Marilyn is dead but still alive in millions of hearts, but did you ever think about why our Indian parents and old being in our family burn or distribute deceased person's clothes in a weird way?

Did it make sense to you then every time they did the same over and over again? Honestly it didn’t to me. Thus, I researched about it. Here what I found and think about “One should not keep or wear deceased being clothes or closely related clothes”.

Kashi Vishwanath Shamshan Ghat 

As I have already talked in my previous blogs that everything in the universe is some kind of energy and that really doesn’t mean that if you don’t know what kind of energy thing contain and purpose of the same; you can’t judge that since you don’t the energy and if you ask me if I believe in the theory “everything  is a form of energy”, then I would say yes, I do. Even science believes the same. Now that we all know that everything is energy, even us, things we are touching, things we have been quite often, everything contains our energy in some way. An essence of us that can be used by anyone who knows Tantric ways to do anything with you and you.

Pictorial depiction of Tantric yogi
Have you seen the old horror Bollywood movies? In which villain wants to do some tantrum for his/her advantage and destruction of someone. In order to do that, Tantric would ask for his hairs on comb or clothes. Have you seen them? Here is example- Veerana.

Why do they want hairs?

We’ll know further.
The character in 'Veerana' who was Tantric 

Getting to the discussion, what’s the problem in keeping deceased person cloths merely? What’s wrong with that?
As we have spoken about that everything is energy. Everything that is close to you and your body would have your energy; if you contact something daily with your body then it has your energy in abundance and with that energy that is gathered from you in that thing or piece of cloth or hairs or anything can be used against you, with you, in a favor of you and to make new you. That surely can be dangerous, it can harm you while you are alive you still have that body intact to you. It can cause pain to you in numerous ways that you can’t even imagine.

Pictorial depiction of things you are close to almost everyday

If you can’t imagine that, think in this way- if a person dies hundreds of years ago, we can still know how he looked like, how did he died and even we can clone you from that DNA that we would have of you. Now think energies are everything and if one gets to play with energy and actually knows how to use them in balanced way to get what you want. Isn’t the above possible?

Site view in Rakhigadi

But would it be relevant if the person had died? Would it cause the same misery that could have been caused if the person was alive?
Well, neither you get birth in one day still you have specific birth date nor you die in one day, it’s a process. When the person is declared as ‘Dead’ by doctors, the energy of him, with him, in him would be with him. Now the vessel has to emptied then all of the levels of energy that are described in human by Hindu Culture, are starting to get released around in the surrounding, because that’s the most simple and sane way for non-discretion mind. Since body is gone as the discrete-full has gone too with that.

There are five basic physical manifestation of energy according Hindu Culture- Samana, Prana, Udana, Apana, Vyana, respectively in the order.

Let’s understand them a bit!

Samana, it responsible for your constant body temperature. Now that the body is of no use, the energy needs to release since they cant be in a same state for long time. Thus, when the doctor declare someone dead, they check for nose; if nose is cold and hold no breathing, then the person is dead for sure. Samana exits from twenty to twenty-five minutes after the death of being.

Prana, the ‘breath’ of being, exits after Forty-eight minutes to sixty-five minutes of death from the dead body.
Prana Vayu flow

Here comes the powerful one, Udana which exits in six to twelve hours of death of a being. Tantric mostly uses time duration of Udana to do Tantric processes, since the energy is been floating in the surrounding on its peak. If we try to understand Tantric process in most lame way possible is that- They convert one’s energy into something which they benefit from or to use them, which can be very painful for the deceased soul. Not to being able to get over the world and find new place and body like natural cycle for energy rather he would be prisoned by some person who would make him do his own things. That is why, it is said that you should keep the body or should we say dead body for more than seven to eight hours. At least in Hindu Culture.

Chausath Yogini Mandir

Apana, the outgoing and descending breath of astral spine which responsible for lung to breath and used to be responsible to create big energies to give us healthy life. It exits eight to eighteen hours of death.

Vyana, which is responsible to preserve the body and to make body worthy for other energies to contain. It exits till eleven to fourteen days after death.

Now coming back, the clothes have our energies and little part of us. Believe me they do. Imagine in this way- there are numerous of the jackets out in front you similar to the one that wear everyday. You may not be able to find yours, but your dog he would for sure without any hesitation, because they sense energies and by that they conclude that if you are happy or sad. If you have a dog, you may relate it to very much. Well I would like to think that so.

Depiction of condition

When you are not responding how you are feeling to your dog and he is worried about you, then he would reach up to your crouch area and would sniff it.

Did you ever wonder that why he does that?

Because he want to know how you are feeling and since you are not telling him how you are feeling he would want to know it from the energy you radiates especially from the crouch because the highest form of energy is sexual energy.

Sexual energy depiction

Now you have so many examples and information that the energy of deceased person can be harmful because a part of resides with you in form of that clothing. Deceased person is trying to do something good for itself as the discrete-full mind of him, is gone. The moment he feels his energy around him which makes him more and more alive. He approach to it and reside in it, which breaks the nature rule that deceased soul should be reborn in different form. As I have already explained that one energy can not stay in same form as it for long time or for undecided time. The clothing of the deceased person or should we say the energy they beholds can invite other deceased energy, which can really be tricky and destructive at the same time.

So, to get away from this danger our ancestors and old beings used to burn the very close things of the deceased body along with the dead body on Chita  or either wash them thoroughly and dry them in sunlight for days. After twelve days of death, there should be ritual to do the rest for the dead person’s energy. Those clothes that then has been washed and dried for many days, Pandit would perform a holy ritual and recite vibration of certain mantras to eradicate the energy engraved deep inside the clothes. To help the deceased in going for natural cycle of rebirth.

But in few cases, the energy still becomes intact to the deceased. Maybe it would have been cherished by them quite much, in a way they were obsessed by them even after death. What happens then?

Well as a practice, those cloths must be given in the sister’s place, otherwise just burnt them.

Why specifically they need to be donate in the sister’s blood not to some else?

Well, in ancient there was strict practice of people that to eat, drink, reside in the house of your daughter and sister. It was so strict that you can’t even stay at your sister’s for one night even. Backward? Right.

But it helps this situation!

If the things that deceased have been obsessed with, is in his own house or in house of his own blood. He might end up residing their because it would considered his house, the members there owe him, since they are his blood, he would think he has authority over them and many more. That can cause destructivity because the energy that resides there, would drain energy from everyone and everything. Even if he would be causing trouble he would not realize that because his discrete full mind is gone with the body. He still thinks he have authority over them. Thus, it would be nearly self-suicide to keep things in his own blood house.

Now think this way, deceased person’s beloved things is in sister’s house and he reached up to it to reside in it, since it has his energy, but the habit of him or the strict practice that he beholds would still be here. Even without mind because it is something that he would usually do if he would have been alive.

(These pictures have been taken from random sites from internet, if you want to take them down or remove them; contact us)

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