Navratri - 05 : Skandmata | Puja Mantras, Story, Dedicated color, Name Meaning, Depiction and symbolism, Importance in Navratri and much more

 On the fifth day of Navratri, also known as Panchami, Skandmata, Durga's fifth manifestation, is worshipped. This day marks the worship of the goddess Skandmata, who takes the role of a mother.

 Her name literally meaning "mother of Skanda" or "Lord Kartikeya," who was appointed by the Gods to lead their armies against the demons. In this form, he is observed sitting in her lap, whereas she is riding a lion. She embodies a mother's love. The goddess in this form is thought to offer wisdom, money, power, and prosperity to those who worship her. Lord Skanda's newborn form is shown being held by Maa Skandmata. She represents the bond between a mother and son.


Goddess Skandamata is depicted as a four-armed deity with a bell, a kamandalu, and a lotus each of her arms. Additionally, she is seen sitting Kartikay on her lap. The goddess is known as Skandamata because Kartikay is also known as Skanda. She stands straight and tranquil. She is riding a lion, yet she is also sitting on a lotus.

She has three eyes and four hands, two of which are holding lotuses and the other two of which are making mudras to protect worshipers and bestow blessings. She possesses four arms. three eyes, two arms clutching a lotus flower, and a glowing complexion. Even in this mortal world, one can achieve the highest happiness. the goddess of purity, childbirth, motherhood, and tranquilly.


It is believed that offering the goddess a bhog of bananas will keep the followers healthy.

Dedicated Color
Since her worship is thought to bring salvation, power, prosperity, and wisdom, this manifestation of her is associated with the colour white. The devotee is only led to her mercy by their single-minded devotion when their mind is unattached to earthly things.


It is thought that she bestows salvation, strength, wealth, and treasures upon her devotees. Even the illiterate can receive oceans of wisdom from her if they want to worship her. All of her worshippers' wishes are granted by Skandamt, who has the brilliance of the sun. He achieves all the successes and riches of life if he is selflessly committed to her. A devotee's heart is purified via worship to Skandamt. The devotee should have complete control over his senses and mind while performing her worship. 

Lord Shiva and Devi Sati were wed in the long ago. However, Lord Shiva was furious and left saddened when Sati set herself on fire at the Maha Yagna that her father had planned. He made the decision to abandon all worldly pursuits and immediately began a strict penance practice. 
Soon a demon by the name of Tarakasura began fighting the other Gods, causing chaos and misery. Tarakasura also possessed a curse that stated that only Lord Shiva or his kid could slay him. Since none of the Gods could defeat him, this was a serious issue. Sage Narada met Maa Parvati as a response of the other Gods' requests. He briefed her in on every detail of her previous life as Devi Sati and explained the significance of her current birth. Maa Parvati will have a child with Lord Shiva, who would then go on to vanquish the demonic Tarakasura, according to Sage Narada.
However, Maa Parvati had to engage in intense meditation and penance in to convince Lord Shiva that she was a manifestation of Sati (Tapasya). For more than a thousand years, she abstained from food and water and engaged in harsh penance. 
Finally, Lord Shiva saw her commitment and consented to marry her. A fiery seed was created when Maa Parvati and Lord Shiva merged their energies.
 If you want to know more theories about Lord Kartikeya and his birth ancedotes, you should our this blog: 

Lord Kartikeya was soon assigned the Army of Gods' supreme commander and was granted unique weaponry to destroy Tarakasura. Then, in a brutal war with Tarakasura, Kartikeya ultimately defeated the demon and established world peace.
Kartikeya earned the name Skanda, which means "emitting" in Sanskrit, since he was created from an emitting, hot seed. Maa Parvati, his mother, also became known as Skandmata.

देवी स्कन्दमातायै नम:
O Devī Skandamātāyai Nama

सिंहासनगता नित्यं पद्माञ्चित करद्वया।
Simhasanagata Nityam Padmanchita Karadvaya

शुभदास्तु सदा देवी स्कन्दमाता यशस्विनी॥
Shubhadastu Sada Devi Skandamata Yashasvini

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु माँ स्कन्दमाता रूपेण संस्थिता।
Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Ma Skandamata Rupena Samsthita

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः॥
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah

Read our blog on "Navratri Day 04 - Maa Kushmanda"

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